Random Acts of Pasta

What would you do with your never ending pasta pass from Olive Garden? Matt Tribe of Utah has been getting a lot of attention on the Internet and in the press for using his pass to feed the homeless, and then posting a video about it and creating a website to talk about it. Internet cynics have been quick to criticize the video. Some have dismissed it as viral marketing for Olive Garden. Others have said the fact he posted it on the Internet makes it less sincere.

We live in a world where everything that happens makes its way to the Internet in some fashion. There is little privacy in the world of the selfie. So what does the video mean? If it is nothing more than viral marketing, is that a bad thing if the overall message is to not think of ourselves and to remind us that there are homeless people out there who do not get to dine at places like Olive Garden? Are people supposed to do acts of kindness, or encourage others to do so, only in secret?

In the world of the Internet, have we gotten to the point that we have to second guess the motives of everyone?

As Mr. Tribe says on the YouTube page with his video, if you’re bored one day you should check his website out. Or don’t. He doesn’t care.

Website: Random Acts of Pasta

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