Continuing the sometime Saturday series on items to come before General Convention 2015:
The Program Budget and Finance Committee of General Convention is preparing a series of hearings on the 2016-2018 budget for the Episcopal Church. From Episcopal News Service:
The Episcopal Church’s Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance (PB&F) left its three day meeting here ready to listen to the church’s opinions about which work ought to be done on a church-wide level in the next three years and how to pay for that work….
PB&F prepared itself for the listening phase of its work by doing some listening – and inquiring – of its own after it received the draft 2016-2018 triennium budget that Executive Councilpassed last month. (General Convention Joint Rule II.10.c.iii calls for Executive Council to give PB&F a draft budget no less than four months before the start of General Convention, essentially by February of convention year)….
PB&F’s listening initially will come in two primary forms. First, committee members will get comments and questions as they make budget presentations to the pre-General Convention synods about to begin in each of the church’s nine provinces. Second, a web-based comment process open to the whole church is due to be available within the week.
To prepare for these meetings read the budget here.
Image: Diocese of Ohio Bishop Mark Hollingsworth, chair of Executive Council’s Joint Standing Committee on Finances for Mission, makes a point during Program, Budget and Finance’s plenary session Feb. 24 as the Rev. Canon Mally Lloyd of Massachusetts, PB&F chair, listens. The Rev. Susan Snook of Arizona, left, chaired FFM’s budget subcommittee. She and Hollingsworth handed off council’s draft budget to PB&B during the Feb. 23-25 meeting. Photo: Mary Frances Schjonberg/Episcopal News Service
posted by Ann Fontaine