Priest arrested for DUI

The Rev. Diane Reiners, an assisting priest at Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine in Manhattan was arrested for DUI according to the  New York Post:

An Episcopalian minister was nabbed with an open bottle of vodka and prescription meds inside her car after she was allegedly spotted driving drunkenly through the Holland Tunnel Friday night, Port Authority police said.

Diane Reiners, 53, was swerving in her 2004 orange Toyota and hitting the curb inside the tunnel, at times coming to a full stop, as she traveled from Manhattan to New Jersey around 6 p.m., authorities said….

Officers allegedly found the open container of Absolut on the center console, as well as vodka inside a water bottle, 31 Lorazepam pills prescribed in someone else’s name, and 22 packets of Tramadol, a high-potency pain killer. Cops also said she failed a field sobriety test.

From Episcopal News Service re: 9/11 commemoration:

Diane Reiners, who worked at St. Paul’s as one of four on-site coordinators of 1,400 volunteers in nine months, said the exhibit is a testament to every single day of their ministry. ‘People will see that giving is a joy,’ she said.

Once an actress, Reiners has left that profession to help found a company that advocates and facilitates volunteerism. ‘Through service we will change the world,’ she said. ‘It’s the only way we will change the world.’



posted by Ann Fontaine


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