Prayers for a church web site

The blog ChurchMarketingSucks offers prayers for church websites that are worse than useless: advertising programs that occurred years ago, staff that has long since gone on to other posts, announcing out of date service times, etc:

The following is a prayer for a church website, inspired by an actual church website that in the spring of 2015 still announced an event happening in 2011 on its homepage. Lord, have mercy. We won’t be linking to the actual site in order to save embarrassment and cuz it’s mean. But laughing anonymously is OK, right? Join us in prayer…

Dear Lord,

For church websites announcing events from four years ago, we pray…

We thank you for the lack of animated gifs, flash intros and auto-play videos…

We thank you for churches that at least have websites, and pray that outdated is at least better than nothing…

We seek forgiveness for enjoying the communication gaffes of other churches a little too much.  Amen.

See more prayers here.

Have you checked your church’s website recently? Are you guilty of these practices?

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