A study guide for General Convention called “Claiming the Blessing 2015: The Case for Marriage” has been released on-line and will be available in printed form when the Convention convenes in Salt Lake City.
The study guide includes:
An introduction to the Marriage Task Force Blue Book Report
Q&A re: the TF Report
A summary of SCLM proposals
A legislative history timeline
Michael Hopkins’ essay “Recognized Holiness” making the case for marriage.
From the introduction:
In 1976 the Episcopal Church promised “full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance and pastoral concern and care of the Church” to its gay and lesbian members. In the intervening years, we have seen many milestones along the way in the journey toward making that resolution a reality. But we are not there yet.
Full and equal claim means full and equal claim – – and it is time to end the exclusion of a percentage of the baptized from a percentage of the sacraments by adopting the canonical and liturgical changes necessary to end discrimination against the marriages of same- sex couples in the Episcopal Church.
At its 77th General Convention the Episcopal Church spoke unequivocally on civil marriage equality by adopting GC2012- D018: “End Discrimination Against Same-Sex Marriages.” It is time to “Let our yes be yes” [M atthew 5:37] and call the 78th General Convention to do the same for sacramental marriage.
Posted by Andrew Gerns