Pew Research Center documents the US change in attitude regarding marriage equality

In an article dated 29 JUL 2015, the Pew Research Center has released a series of graphs which show the change in US attitudes regarding same gender marriage from 2001 to the present. In 2001, only 35% of folks in the US approved of same gender marriage. Today approval stands at 55%. 57% of US folks disapproved of same gender marriage in 2001 and that figure has dropped to 39% today.

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Over that same period of years, both men’s & women’s attitudes changed to greater favor toward same gender marriage. Women increased from 38% to 58% in favor. While men’s attitudes changed from 32% to 53% in favor.

Women vs men
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These are static copies of the charts available in the Pew Research Center article, which are dynamic and show the figures as they increase/decrease over the years as you drag your cursor along the graph’s lines. On the article page are additional interesting graphs that break down the polling results by generation, broad religious affiliation, major political party, political ideology and blacks vs whites.

Marriage equality image borrowed from

Read the commentary and view all of the graphs at the Pew Center for Research website; Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

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