The group who brought charges against the Rt Revd J Jon Bruno has posted a response from the Rt Revd F Clayton Matthews on behalf of the Reference Panel. The panel convened by conference call on Wednesday, 29 JUL 2015. The panel consisted of the Most Revd Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop; the Rt Revd Catherine M Waynick, the President of the Disciplinary Board and the Rt Revd F Clayton Matthews, the Intake Officer for the Disciplinary Board.
In his letter Bishop Matthews cautioned the parties to carefully consider any action on their part which could damage the conciliation process. In a separate letter to the group which brought the charges against Bishop Bruno, Bishop Matthews informed them that he had appointed the Revd Kathleen M Kelley as their advisor in the Title IV proceedings.
Letter advising of the panel’s decision for conciliation.
Letter advising the appointment of the Revd Kathleen M Kelley as an advisor.
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