Why are bishops so pale?

Without a subscription to Church Times (UK), we don’t have access to the opinion item Why are bishops so pale?, but here’s the bit that is available,

by Vasantha Gnanadoss

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 @ 12:04
The senior clergy are failing to include the diversity and gifts of ethnic-minority priests, argues Vasantha Gnanadoss

CONCERNS are repeatedly expressed about the lack of racial diversity in the senior leadership of the Church of England. This is seen by many as evidence of institutional racism. The solution often suggested is more training and mentoring of black and Asian clergy. But only a change in the racism that influences appointment decisions can correct the situation.

Whether the racism be unconscious or not, institutional or not, its root cause is that white leaders prefer to appoint white …

In what seems to be an unintended juxtaposition, the cover this issue of Church Times is below:

The Telegraph has Dress-down Sundays: Church considers making clerical dress optional.

With notable exceptions, bishops of The Episcopal Church are pale—there is a lack of racial diversity. In all seriousness, what is the remedy?

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