Bishop Stacy Sauls is no longer employed by the Episcopal Church Center

On 11 DEC 2015 we reported that Bishop Stacy Sauls, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s Chief Operating Officer, with two other Church Center employees was placed on an administrative leave by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. After a 4 month investigation, on 4 APR 2016 +Michael announced the terminations of the other two employees for cause. At the same time he announced that +Stacy would not continue as the COO. There seems to have been question in some folks minds that Bishop Sauls may continue to work at the Church Center in another capacity. The Living Church website reports in a story dated 15 APR 2016, that the question of Bishop Sauls’ employment was cleared up by an email from Neva Rae Fox, the officer of public affairs for the Episcopal Church, stating that the bishop no longer works at the Church Center.

The photo is from the Episcopal News Service.

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