Creation Justice Ministries is urging people of faith to pray for the earth and the healing of the planet Friday, April 22 at noon (whenever noon is for you).
Friday is Earth Day, and representatives from many countries will gather at the United Nations in New York. They plan to sign the historic Paris Agreement, which was made at the December 2015 COP 21 international climate negotiations. The United Nations will continue to accept signatures to the Paris Agreement through April 2017. Countries will need to adopt the agreement within their own legal systems, through ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. The agreement will enter into force when joined by at least 55 countries, which together represent at least 55% of global emissions.
While in many ways our work is just beginning, tomorrow’s signing ceremony is a reason for the Creation Justice community to celebrate. We have contributed to this moment.
Creation Justice Ministries is joining with other faith-based organizations and tens of thousands of people in a call to prayer for God’s creation on Earth Day at noon, whatever time zone you are in, wherever you are. We pray in gratitude for this moment, and for God’s strength for hard work ahead.
Find a treasure trove of reflection and prayer resources, including this year’s Earth Day Sunday resource Care for God’s Creatures, at Creation Justice Ministries.
Grace and Peace,
Shantha Ready Alonso
Executive Director, Creation Justice Ministries
More on the Paris Accord and the stakes for the earth from the Washington Post