Previous meetings of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) have encouraged the Communion-wide establishment of a common Sunday to pray for and to promote awareness of the Anglican Communion. ACC – 16 passed a resolution that has actually suggested which Sunday of the Church year. ACC – 16 passed Resolution 16.37: Resourcing the ACO and Lambeth Conference and has suggested that Anglican Communion Sunday be commemorated on the Sunday closest to the Feast of St Augustine of Canterbury (26 MAY). By my calculation that would put this year’s Anglican Communion Sunday on 29 MAY 2016.
The resolution also stipulates that Anglican provinces be encouraged to support the ACC with financial contributions and that Anglican dioceses the world over begin budgeting funds for the participation of their bishop(s) in the next Lambeth Conference. Finally the resolution calls upon the Standing Committee to reduce the number of days for ACC – 17 to reduce the costs of the meeting. ACC – 17 is scheduled for Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2019.
Resolution 16.37: Resourcing the ACO and Lambeth Conference
The Anglican Consultative Council
- reaffirms Resolution 12.33 which urges each province of the Anglican Communion to identify an Anglican Communion Sunday, for the purpose of raising awareness of the Anglican Communion and for providing financial resources for the inter-Anglican budget; and
- invites the provinces of the Anglican Communion to stipulate the Sunday closest to the Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (26 May) as Anglican Communion Sunday to celebrate and pray for the Anglican Communion; and
- requests each diocese of the provinces of the Anglican Communion to budget for their participation in the forthcoming Lambeth Conference; and
- reaffirms Resolutions 10.27 and 15.22 and calls upon all provinces of the Anglican Communion to contribute financially to the budget of the Anglican Consultative Council; and
- urges the Standing Committee to consider a reduction in days of ACC-17 as a cost-saving measure.
The main image is from the Anglican Communion website.
The image of St Augustine of Canterbury is from