Daily collects for Advent

Daily Reading for December 10

Morning Prayer

Ever faithful God,

your prophets foretold the coming of the light.

In your name they promised

that the eyes of the blind would be opened.

We confidently await the coming of your Son,

and the day when he will gather all people

to live in your light, for ever and ever.

Evening Prayer

God our Father,

you overcame the stubbornness of human hearts,

and their resistance to your call,

as you prepared the coming of the Messiah.

Grant that we too may be faithful

and persevere to the end in the ways that you have called us,

and in waiting for him who is to come,

Jesus, our Lord.

Collects for Advent, from A Celtic Primer: The Complete Celtic Worship Resource and Collection, edited and compiled by Brendan O’Malley. Copyright © 2002. Used by permission of Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. www.morehousepublishing.com

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