Cave that once housed Dead Sea scrolls discovered

Archaeologists have discovered another cave in the Judean desert, showing clear indications that it once held Dead Sea scrolls. The scrolls themselves are no longer there, having most likely been looted in the last century. However, storage jars, wrappings, and parchment were found in the cave, among other things. This is the first such discovery in over sixty years, and raises the question of whether there might be more caves containing these scrolls in the area. The caves and scrolls were first discovered in 1947, and it has been accepted for years that there were only eleven caves that housed the scrolls.

The Dead Sea scrolls are a set of over 800 documents written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and date back as far as the 4th century BCE. They include the oldest known copies of the Bible, but also secular texts. The BBC has more information on this latest discovery here.

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