Jesu that dost in Mary dwell

Jesu that dost in Mary dwell

Be in thy servants’ hearts as well,

In the spirit of thy holiness,

In the fullness of thy force and stress,

In the very ways that thy life goes

And virtues that thy pattern shows,

In sharing of thy mysteries;

And every power in us that is

Against that power put under feet

In the Holy Ghost the Paraclete

To the glory of the Father. Amen.

Oratio Patris Condren: O Jesus vivens in Maria in Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works (Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 95.

This poem captures, in a powerful way, the sense that Mary is a model for the Christian indwelt with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is a prayer that the same Son and the same Spirit that were in our Lady might also be found in us.

The Spirit is the spirit of Christ’s holiness that will bring us into full conformity with Christ. He also subdues every hostile power.

And all “to the glory of [God] the Father.”

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