A Prayer for the Day After Christmas

Dear Lord,


Joy to the World.

The Lord is Come!

Jesus is born!

Born in a manger.

Born into this world.

This life.

This joy.

This mess.

This brokenness.

This hope.


Jesus is born.

For us.

For the world.


Be with me in this joy.

This moment.

This gift.

This life.

This baby.

This mystery.

Jesus is born!


Keep my heart awake as we light candles.

Keep my spirit rejoicing as we sing songs.

Keep my hands open as we receive the newborn king.

Jesus is born!


May I never grow weary of this mystery.

May I never grow too old to believe.

May I never forget the beauty of a baby.

May I never fail to bring gifts to the savior.

May I never fail to stand in awe of God’s presence.

May I never forget the joy.

Jesus is born.


Keep my eyes on you, O Lord.

Looking to the stars.

Traveling with strangers and friends.

Opening doors for all.

Keep my eyes on you, O Lord.


Jesus is born!

Joy to the World!
The Lord is Come!



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. Her website is http://www.kimberlyknowlezeller.com

Image: Youtube

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