Jubilee Ministries awards 54 grants

Jubilee Ministries, the Domestic Poverty network of the Episcopal Church, has awarded $67,000 in 54 grants to support mission and ministry in 35 dioceses for 2017.

Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to the Episcopal Church, designated by diocesan bishops and affirmed by Executive Council, whose mission work affects the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues

The grants help to ensure that Jubilee carries out the charge to be a “ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people.” (GC resolution 2012-D094)

Applicants were reviewed by a committee representing parish leaders, diocesan Jubilee Officers, Executive Council members, and Episcopal Church staff.

Six Jubilee Grants of $3,000.00 each were awarded for programs committed to alleviating poverty and injustice.

$3,000/Bread & Roses Ministry/Virginia
$3,000/Church of the Epiphany/Northern California
$3,000/Hands & Feet Ministry of St Andrews, McKinney/Dallas
$3,000/Sutton Scholars High School Enrichment Program/Maryland
$3,000/Trinity Cathedral, Diocese of New Jersey/New Jersey
$3,000/Trinity Jubilee Center/Maine

Twenty-eight Impact Grants of $1000 or more were awarded for the encouragement of community development by and with low-income persons.

$2,500/Aaron McNeil House INC./Kentucky
$2,500/Shima’ of Navajoland Good Shepherd Mission/Navajoland Area Mission
$2,500/St. Michael’s Community Services, Inc./Alabama
$2,000/Bound Together/Michigan
$2,000/Life Guides/Western Michigan
$2,000/SMILE Ecumenical Ministries/Maryland
$2,000/St Michael’s Episcopal Mission/Spokane
$1,500/St James Academy/Maryland
$1,200/Hosanna Community/Tennessee
$1,000/Buck Mountain Episcopal Church/Virginia
$1,000/Chaplains on the Harbor/Olympia
$1,000/Church of the Guardian Angel – Food Pantry/Maryland
$1,000/Dolores F. Clark Memorial Food Pantry/New Jersey
$1,000/Holy Spirit Emergency Food Pantry/Rio Grande
$1,000/ICM Food & Clothing Bank/Arizona
$1,000/Imago Dei Middle School/Arizona
$1,000/Jubilee Enrichment Program – parental skills sessions/New York
$1,000/Jubilee Park and Community Center of St Michael & All Angels, Dallas/Dallas
$1,000/Our Saviour Community Garden, Dallas/Dallas
$1,000/Relief for the Homeless/Tennessee
$1,000/Saint Andrew’s Food Pantry/West Texas
$1,000/St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church/New Jersey
$1,000/St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church/Rio Grande
$1,000/St. James House of Prayer/ Cornerstone Kids, Inc./Southwest Florida
$1,000/St. John’s Episcopal Church Ithaca Jubilee Ministry/Central New York
$1,000/St. Luke’s Episcopal Church/Rochester
$1,000/The Episcopal Networks Collaborative/Washington
$1,000/Trinity Jubilee Center/New Jersey

An added 20 Sharing Grants were awarded in the spirit of the original 1982 call to challenge congregations to meet basic human needs and share with the larger church:

$750/Church Without Walls/Florida
$750/Coal Country Youth Center/Pittsburgh
$750/G.R.A.C.E. Center Eastern/Michigan
$750/George W. South Memorial Church of the Advocate/Pennsylvania
$750/Naco Wellness Initiative/Arizona
$750/St. Andrew’s By-the-Sea Blue Door Ministry/Central Gulf Coast
$750/The Church of the Good Shepherd/Olympia
$750/Trinity Episcopal Church/New Jersey
$750/Trinity Jubilee Center, Aurora/Chicago
$500/Christ Church, New Brunswick/New Jersey
$500/Christ Episcopal Church/New Jersey
$500/EACW-Canterbury House MTU/Northern Michigan
$500/Family Cornerstones/East Tennessee
$500/Mission to Seafarers-Seattle/Olympia
$500/Randy Sams’ Outreach Center/Texas
$500/St. Mary’s Outreach Center/Maryland
$500/Towel Ministry/Western North Carolina
$500/Trinity Food Ministry/Missouri
$250/Community Youth Connection/Georgia
$250/St Georges By The River Episcopal Church/New Jersey

Jubilee Ministries — so named to reflect the Old Testament practice of equalization of fiscal and other resources every five decades in a “Year of Jubilee” — are described in detail here.

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