What would Luther do?

Writing in USA TODAY, Mary Zeiss Strange asks: [W]ould the man whose break from Roman Catholicism involved a revolutionary rethinking of the role of sexuality in human relationships take … a negative view of homosexuality today? Most probably, given the way his theological mind worked, he would not.

She writes:

In the Augsburg Confession of 1530 (a conciliatory statement of faith intended to unite Lutherans with other Protestants), Luther publicly agreed with other reformers of his day that biblical references that depart from New Testament inclusiveness — abstaining from eating pork, for example, or requiring male circumcision — not only can but should be set aside. A 21st century Luther would surely recognize that the few biblical proscriptions against “sodomy” — shaky in themselves as condemnations of same-sex love and rooted in a worldview vastly different from our own — should not bar the loving union of two gay or lesbian persons. Equally, a 21st century Luther would affirm the ordination of such persons, as in line with his theology of the “priesthood of all believers.”

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