Archbishop of Canterbury receives ecology award

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has received an award from UK parliamentarians for his work in helping to promote ecologically friendly causes – including a Church of England carbon-cutting campaign.

As reported by Ekklesia,

“The award, presented by the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group, recognises the work of the Archbishop and the Church of England in promoting sustainable energy issues to the public and to policy makers.”

Affirming the impact of the Archbishop’s leadership, “a Lambeth Palace spokesperson added that the award recognised the importance of the issue for faith communities. “The Church of England has made climate change and environmental sustainability central issues in recent years, at home and overseas. This award for the Archbishop of Canterbury from PRESAG members is a timely recognition of the central role people of faith have in providing for the responsible stewardship of our planet.”

“The ethical aspect of the challenge of climate change is increasingly recognised, and in choosing to confer this award on the Archbishop, PRESAG [the Associate Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group] acknowledges just how important moral and spiritual leadership on environmental matters continues to be.”

The Church of England is currently engaged in a national campaign known as Shrinking the Footprint


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