The Albany Times-Union reports that the Bishop of Albany is taking time to think about how to respond to Resolution B012, which essentially places the responsibility for solemnizing marriages in the hands of parish clergy.
“[Bishop William] Love opposes same-sex marriage, and earlier this month voted against the resolution authorizing it at the Episcopal Church’s national meeting in Austin, Tex. In a letter to Albany diocese parish members last week, he said that the passage of the resolution, labeled B012, by the Episcopal House of Bishops and House of Deputies is “the most problematic and potentially damaging within the Diocese of Albany as well as the wider Anglican Communion.”
“‘While I know that there are some in the Diocese of Albany who applaud the passage of B012,’ he wrote, ‘the vast majority of the clergy and people of the Diocese, to include myself, are greatly troubled by it.’
“He said he must consult with his Standing Committee and advisors on the subject and has asked clergy to gather on Sept. 6 at the church’s Christ the King Center in Greenwich.
The full text of Bishop Love’s letter may be found here.