Life with Bishop Paul Moore

The New Yorker has posted an interview with Honor Moore, daughter of the late Paul Moore, famed bishop of the Diocese of New York.

This week in the magazine, in an excerpt from her book “The Bishop’s Daughter,” Honor Moore writes about her father, the Episcopal bishop Paul Moore, his faith, and his secret. Here Moore talks about her father’s public service and private life.

Moore was a leader in moving the church to act on behalf of those without power in the world.

Mark Harris at his blog Preludium comments on Honor Moore’s tender and compassionate interview.

The Paul Moore story will be out there and I wager that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in some parts of Anglican Land., but he will deserve better.

Perhaps there will be a time when we will finally give up on the idea that being heterosexual or homosexual is not an either/ or even a both / and sort of thing. It may be common to say a person is heterosexual or homosexual, but it may be more to the point to say that we are all sexual and sensual and that is about who we are, as a whole person, and being beat up about that or ostracized or shamed does not help anyone get a better grip on being a fully whole human being, saved or obedient to the Word of God.

Elizabeth Kaeton at her blog Telling Secrets reflects on the book:

There will be rending of garments and much wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth on both sides of the aisle about this book and her revelation.

Some will cry that many LGBT people could have been helped and the church’s journey to greater social justice advanced years sooner “if only he had told the truth.”

Others will cry that the church and his legacy is soiled by this truth that should have remained secret – that nothing good can come of any of this.

There will be those who will laugh and scorn the Body of Christ in its incarnation as The Episcopal Church and say this is but one more piece of evidence of its ‘internal decay’ which provides them with one more reason to leave ‘this apostate church.’

Still others will say, “I told you so!” and smirk, “See, Gene Robinson is not the first gay bishop. He’s the first honestly gay bishop.”

Hear the interview here.

Article on The Rt. Rev. Paul Moore at the time of his death here.

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