Best friends

This month’s Washingtonian has a feature with vignettes exploring the bonds of friendship between several pairs of best friends, among them retired Washington Bishop Jane Holmes Dixon and WAMU talk-show host Diane Rehm, who have been friends since meeting at church 40 years ago. When Rehm got word of an “Expanding Horizons for Women” adult-ed course at George Washington University in the 1970s, she nudged Dixon to join her. The two have been learning from each other and staying in touch ever since:

Rehm credits Dixon with teaching her interviewing skills: “Her Southern style has always been something I’ve been drawn to—there is such warmth and willingness to be open. She has taught me a lot about how to hear other people—to listen with an open heart.”

Dixon says Rehm’s insistence on going back to school together led her to her true path. “That push from her back in the ’70s, that support, gave me the confidence to explore my call to ordination and become a priest,” she says.

Says Rehm: “I joke that she better not die first so she can do my funeral. She’s got to be there.”

The complete article is here.

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