Reports from the Global South: Lambeth acceptances confirmed

Bishop Mouneer Anis of Egypt has issued a statement on the meeting of the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council held February 29 – March 4. A report from the Synod of the Province of South East Asia that met February 27 -28 has also just been made available.

Bishop Anis reveals in his statement that

Several friends discouraged me to attend the JSC meeting but I insisted to go as I don’t believe in withdrawal. Jesus is our best example in this regard. He spoke the truth boldly everywhere He went. Some accepted the truth, some refused and some wanted to murder Him, but He never stopped speaking the truth and meeting His friends as well as His enemies.

About the Anglican covenant he writes,

I was shocked when the time line of the covenant process was presented. The plan that it would be enacted in 2015 gives the impression that we are NOT in a state of crisis and that there is no desire to move towards a solution. In my opinion, if we wait until 2015 or even 2012 the Communion will be fragmented.

He is determined to attend Lambeth:

I realise that the forthcoming Lambeth Conference may add to my disappointment but I am determined to go, to listen and share with an open heart and firm stand.

South East Asian bishops in the synod statement also announced their determination to attend Lambeth. The synod said it

9. WAS ENCOURAGED by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s emphasis in his Advent Letter (12 Dec 2007) that “acceptance of the invitation (to Lambeth Conference 2008) must be taken as implying willingness to work with those aspects of the Conference’s agenda that relate to implementing the recommendations of Windsor, including the development of a covenant”;

10. CONSIDERED the need to provide strong active participation in the discussion and debate on the acceptance and adoption of the proposed Anglican Covenant at Lambeth 2008, and thereafter, to expeditiously and definitively conclude the task of defining and explicating publicly the common standard of faith and order, proper accountability and discipline within the Anglican Communion

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