The meetings will continue…

…until there is an improvement in morale.

We’ve not kept up with the various meeting announcements from the Global South steering committee, The Network and elsewhere. Here’s your roundup of some of these.

1) On Easter Monday the Global South Anglican website posted Statement from the Global South Primates Steering Committee, London, Mar 13-15, 2008 saying in part, “Through our conversations together and clarifications made, we are led to understand and appreciate the principled reasons for participation in GAFCON (June 2008) and Lambeth Conference (Jul 2008). Even if there are different perspectives on these, they do not and should not be allowed to disrupt the common vision, unity and trust within the Global South.” One member of the steering committee at the meeting, Archbishop Mouneer Anis, recently made it clear he would be attending Lambeth.

2) Also on Easter Monday the Anglican Communion Network was prepared to announce Network Bishops to Meet April 24:

“I have called this meeting because we need to talk frankly and openly about the future and how we as Network bishops can help the Network best fulfill its mission to build a biblical, missionary and united Anglican witness in the years ahead,” said Bishop Robert Duncan, moderator of the Network. “It is clear that the Network has a continuing mission to unite orthodox Anglicans, especially as increasing numbers of Network parishes and now dioceses are exiting The Episcopal Church. We will be talking about how we can work together to accomplish this goal even as we bless the several paths we have chosen as bishops and dioceses,” he added.

3) Tuesday the Presiding Bishop wrote to the House of Bishops, “We had mentioned the possibility of a one-day May meeting. I am not sure there was adequate desire for it on the part of the House at this point, and so this will be determined after a poll in April.” That meeting would be for the House to consider consent to the deposition of Bishop Duncan.

UPDATE – See “Who is ‘in’ the Network”” posted March 27 on the ACN website.

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