Maryland elects new bishop

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland today elected the Rev. Canon Eugene Taylor Sutton, canon pastor at the Washington National Cathedral, to be its 14th bishop on the first ballot.

From Episcopal Life Online:

Sutton has served parishes in the dioceses of New Jersey and Washington. He has also taught homiletics and liturgics at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and General Theological Seminary. He’s also served as assistant to the bishop in the Diocese of New Jersey. Sutton is a frequent leader of retreats and conferences on prayer, preaching, spirituality and mission. Married to Sonya Subbayya Sutton, their family includes four children and stepchildren.

“I am both honored and humbled to be elected your bishop in the wonderful Diocese of Maryland. I, Sonya and our family look forward to being among you as fellow travelers in this exciting journey,” Sutton said following the election. “I would like to express my hopes and dreams for our new ministry together in the form of a prayer. We continually give thanks to God, who in Christ makes “a new creation…the old has passed away, behold, all things have become new.'”

Sutton’s complete address to the diocese is here. The ELO article is here.

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