Paul Zahl on grace healing alienated relationships

The Rev. Dr. Paul F.M. Zahl, rector of All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland, has written “Grace in Practice: A Theology of Everyday Life” which he describes as an attempt to understand how the “grace of God or judgment or law of God” relates to various types of relationships and social issues such as “war and peace, and classism.”

According to Episcopal Life Online, Zahl, formerly Dean and President of Trinity Episcopal School of Ministry said that “after 2003, when the Episcopal Church went into a time of severe conflict, I decided that I really ought to think about this in terms of a way that might be uniting rather than dividing,” he explained. “I myself had been part of a rather divisive traditionalism and I said that this can’t be fully right because there is quite a bit of anger to it.”

“Grace in Practice” is Zahl’s attempt be “positive and heartfelt.” He said it is a book for everyone but may appeal specifically to “people who have often felt that Christianity was a matter of prohibitions and admonitions and heavy judgment rather than an enabling word of love and grace.”

Read the rest here.

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