The Challenges of Mary and Birth

by Heather Hill

The physical therapist presses on a spot that causes the familiar pain to return.  “This is scar tissue I am trying to stretch out.”  

Masked up and finally back at physical therapy after a nine month pandemic break, my mind wanders to nine years ago when those scars were beginning to form.  I had spent nine months as a trinity (expecting twins) with each stage bringing changes and scars to both my womb and my body.

“During each Advent since then, I find myself reflecting on what it would have been like to be Mary.  The magic and mystery of this season sometimes covers over the real physical bodies involved in the incarnation.  I do not believe Mary somehow magically went through bearing Jesus in her womb without any challenges.

I used to think the scars of God incarnate began on Maundy Thursday when Jesus’ body was inflicted.  Now I sit here and reflect that the wounds and scars of the incarnational love of God began much earlier on the body of Mary. Jesus’ life did not just end with scars.  It began with scars- Mary’s scars.

The Rev. Heather Hill is Rector of the Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu, HI. Her now eight year old twins are distance learning third grade.

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