In a statement appearing in the Baptist Standard, Rev. Dr. Ralph D. West severs ties with the Southern Baptist Convention. West is founder and pastor of Church Without Walls in Houston.
His statement was in reaction to the statement of the six white seminary presidents who declared. Critical Race Theory incompatible with the gospel.
I am uncertain as to why these men found it necessary even to associate their affirmation of the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message with a rejection of critical race theory. One would expect, with their sincere rejection of racism, they would speak to instances of it in our culture. They would stand against our president’s attempts to maintain the names of Confederate generals on monuments and military bases.
One would expect they would stand against the rise of anti-Semitism and racism seen in groups like the Proud Boys. They would stand against police violence against Black bodies and stand in solidarity with the Black community. They would call the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. But they have not done that.
Their stand against racism rings hollow when in their next breath they reject theories that have been helpful in framing the problem of racism.
What the SBC seminary presidents have done has brought division and confusion to the body of Christ. They must repent and seek reconciliation with those who can properly inform them of the wrong they have done. They must ask the Lord to open their hearts to hear the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how Jesus’ reign truly should impact our society.