Bishop Robinson on NPR today

Bishop Gene Robinson is interviewed on NPR’s Fresh Air program today. The interview discusses the events of his life and ministry since his election as Bishop of New Hampshire and the effects the events have had on him and his family.

From the NPR website:

“It’s been four years since Gene Robinson was consecrated bishop of the Episcopal diocese of New Hampshire. He’s faced challenges and controversies as that denomination’s first openly gay bishop — and he’s written about them in a new memoir, In the Eye of the Storm: Swept to the Center by God.

Formerly married, with two daughters and granddaughters, Robinson came out publicly in the 1980s, and has been in a relationship with his partner, Mark Andrew, for two decades. He remains close to his ex-wife and his family, many of whom attended his consecration. But his openness, together with other issues surrounding gay people of faith, have caused controversy within the church, with conservative Anglicans threatening to leave the denomination.”

Read the rest here.

Audio of the interview will be available at the link above after 3:00 PM Eastern time today.

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