What is Prayer?

What is prayer? 

the sounds of children’s voices 

the warmth of hands touching

the newly sprouted crocuses reaching for the sky

the breeze rustling across trees

the sun breaking through clouds.


What is prayer?
the longing to feel God’s presence

the desire to sit with God’s word

the hope for days to come

the peace of a lit candle 

the silence found in a deep breath. 


What is prayer? 

the sizzling of veggies over the stove

a warm cup of tea

fresh made bread delivered by a neighbor

sticky hands reaching for cookie dough

bread and wine, given and received. 


What is prayer? 

a cry for help

a plea for relief

a song of joy

a shout of praise

a whisper: are you there? 


Is this prayer?
this note

and words

the tapping of keys across the screen

the waiting and wondering.


Could it be? 

all of this and more, 

moving through life





and the world 

proclaiming God’s love

our worth

and name: beloved child

a prayer of God calling us good. 


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter.



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