Fragments on Fragments #39: Being Human in a Pandemic

39 They raise their voices to idols as if they were carrying on a conversation with a wall, they have understood so little of the gods

This is not the rudest of Heraclitus’ criticisms of his opponents, though it is in my view the funniest. What’s helpful for us is not the difference between his view of divinity, and the older Greek traditions he’s criticising. Much more relevant to our situation, he’s not at all impressed with those who mistake the image for the real thing.

Much of the contemporary world’s best energies are expended on getting us to do exactly that. The advertising industry is dedicated to creating an image of whatever they are selling which carries as many suggestions as possible that only this product will make us happier, healthier, more popular or richer – and if possible several of those. As we become more sensitive to the techniques of advertisers, they in turn become more subtle.

There are many problems with a world dominated by advertising, but I will mention here only one: there is a danger that everything becomes an advert, or at least that we start thinking as if that were the case. ‘What are they selling?’ becomes the question which is asked everywhere and of everyone, even of doctors warning us against a potentially lethal disease.

We have become so used to lies that it is difficult to believe that anything is the truth. Worse, we take for truth whatever is so well packaged that we can’t see its bias, and discount as a lie anything which makes an obvious, unvarnished appeal.

In a world full of lies, half-truths and spin, discerning the truth is hard work. None of us should believe we can do it on our own; multiple perspectives can reveal more than any one of us on our own. But if we can honestly bring into conversation what we see of the truth, and also bring in the possibility that we might need to change our own minds, we’ve got a good chance. Otherwise we might outsmart ourselves to death.

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