Bishop Gene Robinson gets another spotlight this week from PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, talking about his upcoming civil union and his ongoing safety concerns. Civil unions became legal in New Hampshire as of Jan. 1, and for Robinson, this allows him and his longtime partner Mark Andrews to enjoy “some 400 of the protections that out of 1,100 that are accorded to heterosexual couples,” as he says in the interview with R&EN’s Kim Lawton.
Part of the reason for the June ceremony, he adds, is to ensure security for their relationship prior to his going to England during the Lambeth Conference. But, he says, he’s not trying to be in anyone’s face about it.
In addition, Robinson says that while he’s upset that he has not been invited to the conference, he is now able to be a more vocal advocate for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people “at sessions outside the conference,” according to the article. He certainly seems aware that people expect him to act in this capacity, but notes that he has surprises for people on either side of the aisle:
Bishop ROBINSON: I think I go with a greater sense of focus on gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people around the world. I think they are looking to me to represent them and be their voice in some way. I’m sure that’s not what the Archbishop of Canterbury was hoping for, and I suspect he would prefer me not to come at all.
LAWTON: U.S. bishops are planning two unofficial meetings where international bishops can meet Robinson.
Bishop ROBINSON: I know there are so many bishops around the world who have never had the opportunity to sit and talk with someone who is both openly gay and Christian.
LAWTON: Robinson says he’s discouraged by the divisions and what he sees as a lack of listening across the Communion. But in his new book, IN THE EYE OF THE STORM, he writes of the spiritual lessons he has learned amid the controversy.
Bishop ROBINSON: I don’t remember a time in my life when God seemed any more present, almost palpably close. Prayer has almost seemed redundant to me because God has seemed so close during all of this. It will surprise both conservatives and liberals how orthodox I am.
Read the entire transcript — or even better, watch the video — here.