Protesting Heathrow’s third runway

Yesterday, around 3,000 people descended upon Heathrow Airport in London to protest the third runway that would, if it goes forward as proposed, would spell the end of the village of Sipson and increase air traffic along Heathrow’s flight path significantly.

The Archbishop of Canterbury was unable to attend but did send a message of support to the protesters, as reported in the Telegraph:

“Christians, like all people of faith, believe that human beings are on Earth as stewards of God’s creation,” he told them. “As such we have a responsibility, both to God and to generations to come, to ensure that this remains a sustainable world.

“Concern for our environment is a clear imperative arising from the respect we owe to creation and to each other. So questions of airport expansion, like all developments that risk increasing the damage we do to our global environment – which still impacts hardest on the poorest – cannot be considered uncritically, or in a morality-free zone.”

Read more about the protest and background on the proposed runway in the Telegraph’s coverage here and the Times’ here.

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