Sentamu on FOCA

The Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, has spoken out against FOCA:

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu has launched an outspoken attack on members of a new Anglican traditionalist movement – accusing them of “ungracious” behaviour.

Dr Sentamu said he had been “deeply grieved” at reports of criticism and “scapegoating” by the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans of the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams.

“The accusations and inferences of what has been said by some are not only ungenerous and unwarranted but they describe a person I don’t recognise as Rowan,” he said.

He said Dr Williams was a “model of attentive listening” and “interpretative charity” in dealing with the controversy over the Church’s teaching on homosexuality.

He added, to clapping and cries of “hear, hear” from General Synod members, that Dr Williams was a “seeker after truth and love.”

The rest is here.

Video interview is here.

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