Williams speaks on Communion structure

The Church Times reports on an interview with Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury:

In the long term, the Anglican Communion would survive, he argues. “We may be less obviously at one for a few years, but that doesn’t let us off the obligation to keep listening to each other.” The model of diffused authority was part of the essence of Anglicanism: “If we did have a tight central model, we would cease to be the kind of Church we have always set out to be.”

The Church does, however, need to keep up to date with the new speed of global communications: “When something which happens in one province is instantly around the world, you have to go for a more coherent structure.”

(The full interview is available to subscribers only.)

What would that “more coherent structure” be if it is not “a tight control model”?

For thoughts on Williams’ thinking see today’s essay in the Daily Episcopalian by Adrian Worsfold.

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