Epic life of Jesus

Ecumenical News International’s Anto Akkara, reports that a Hindu woman living in India has produced a 900-page poetic epic on the life and message of Jesus following the style of Hindu classics such as Mahabharat and Ramayan.

“This is the fruit of my great devotion to Jesus Christ,” author Latha Rajasekhar told Ecumenical News International from Mysore, about 120 kilometres from Bangalore, where the book was released recently in the presence of two bishops and several literary figures, as well as a mainly Hindu audience of 500 people.

Entitled “Jesu Maha Darsana” (“Great philosophy of Jesus”) the book is written in Kannada, the language spoken in the state of Karnataka.

Rajasekhar is a devout Hindu, but she decided to pen an epic on the life of Jesus after she had an apparition of him “waiting at my door”, while she was composing an earlier poetic work on the life of Gautama Buddha, who is recognised by Buddhists as their founder.

“I discussed it with my husband and we visited the Holy Land for this in 2004,” said the 53-year-old Rajasekhar who describes herself as a “housewife” and who began writing as a hobby 25 years ago.

“Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness and compassion makes him one of the greatest religious leaders,” noted Rajasekhar, who had written 22 books, including some novels, prior to venturing into her work on the life of Jesus.

“This is a wonderful work on the life of Christ,” said Bishop Vasant Kumar, who heads the Church of South India’s Karnataka central diocese, with its headquarters in Bangalore.

Read the article here.

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