Pittsburgh breakaway says ABC has no moral authority

The National Post, in Canada, is reporting that dissident former Anglican and Episcopal churches in Canada and the United States say they will form a new conservative jurisdiction in the next year though it may be difficult if the Archbishop of Canterbury does not approve.

Parishes that have left their national churches over the issue of same-sex marriage and a general trend toward liberalism want to create a single “province” that would report to a conservative North American bishop who shares their values.

“I believe the next year will be critical,” said Rev. Peter Frank, a spokesman for the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, which voted last month to leave the U.S. Episcopal Church. “The first proposals will be formed in the very near term, in a matter of weeks, frankly.”

Mr. Frank said that any opposition from Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will be moot because the spiritual head of Anglicanism has lost his moral authority.

“Frankly, [he] is not in a position to do anything. At this point, the leaders of a majority of the world’s Anglicans are going to recognize us when we [separate].”

But he added it would make it more difficult if Mr. Williams did not give his blessing.

Read it here.

One has to wonder who this single authority will be? Venables of the Southern Cone? Akinola of Nigeria? Orombi of Uganda? and what will happen if they disagree on ordination of women or the Real Presence or lay presidency?

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