Cutié evokes interest in the Episcopal Church

A notice from the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church regarding people who might arrive on Sunday morning at your church because of the news surrounding the Rev. Alberto Cutié joining the Episcopal Church.

In English:

Dear friends,

As many of you know the Rev. Alberto Cutié has been received into the Episcopal Church as a layperson in the Diocese of Southeast Florida. News surrounding this move has received a lot of attention in the press. I have had several phone calls from newspapers and many emails from people all over asking about how they can join the Episcopal Church. My guess is that this Sunday many of our churches will be visited by people who are just learning about us. So I am writing to suggest that you prepare yourselves and your leadership to receive them. I recommend that you make copies of brochures about the Episcopal Church and that you might consider a forum after church to answer questions.

The scandal surrounding Padre Alberto and his girlfriend was unfortunate but because of his joining the Episcopal Church it has brought us to the attention of the public. I pray that we might be able to take advantage of this appropriately but without throwing this in the face of our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church

And in Spanish:

Estimados hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

La Diócesis del Sureste de la Florida ha recibido al Rev. Alberto Cutié como persona laica a la iglesia Episcopal. Esta noticia ha causado mucho revuelo en todos los medios de comunicación a nivel local e internacional. Nuestra oficina ha recibido numerosas llamadas y correos electrónicos en los que muchos nos han preguntado acerca de lo que es ser episcopal y cómo pueden entrar a ser parte de nuestra denominación. No me sorprendería que en las próximas semanas se acercaran personas a sus iglesias para aprender más sobre nosotros. Pensando en ello, les escribo para sugerirles que tengan listos folletos de información y que preparen a sus líderes para que puedan atender y contestar a las preguntas de los que se alleguen a nuestras puertas. Tal vez, no vendría mal organizar un foro de discusión de lo acontecido para que sus feligreses estén al tanto de este evento que nos ha puesto al centro de la noticia. Lo importante es abrir nuestras puertas con la cordialidad y la invitación alegre y sincera que nos caracteriza sin que en ningún momento este evento sirva para juzgar o criticar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas católicos romanos.

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