A brutally honest Christmas letter

Photo of D.L. Mayfield and family, from her blog

Writer D.L. Mayfield posted a brutally honest Christmas letter on her blog this year; instead of the usual expressions of gratitude and peace, she wrote about her difficult pregnancy, bouts of depression and anxiety, and, ultimately, how the hard year has helped her to finally understand Advent–and Jesus–on a deeper, personal level. The letter resonated with a lot of people; it’s reached an audience

From the blog:

But perhaps the most significant thing is that Jesus is no longer an abstract person, a walking theology, a list of do’s and dont’s to me. This is the year I recognized him as my battered, bruised brother, and I see how he never once left my side.

The entire letter is worth a read; it’s available on her site.

What are your families Christmas letters like? Do you share the news, good and bad, with your loved ones?

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