Dear Lord,
It’s a new day
A new month
A chance to take a step forward
In hope and joy
To seize the day
To see it in all its glory
But sometimes the morning
Is hard
And lonely
And a challenge to face
On those days when the darkness seems too dark
And the light feels so far away
Open my eyes to your presence
In the way the light dances on the floor
In the chatter of birds out my window
In the splash of water on my face
In the voices of children
The greetings of neighbors
An unexpected phone call
A handwritten letter from a friend
The first sip of hot coffee
The gentle movement of the Spirit
Blowing in the wind
Landing on me
Greeting me
Calling me to remember
Your love and grace
Your presence
Your power
The day is new
Full of potential and possibility
My hands are open
My heart is ready
To face the day
In your presence
Your love, my guide
Your grace, my sanctuary
Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website or follow her work on Facebook.