A Prayer for Holy Week

The darkness is giving way to the light,

but not quite yet.

This week brings us to the threshold

of something new;

something beautiful, hopeful, and life-giving.

A glimpse into what will be.

But we’re not there yet.


First, we must wait.

And listen.

We are called to be attentive and present.

Open to walking in the story once again.

For this Holy Week is our story, too.

And it’s beckoning to us: Come and See.


Guide us to the table, to feast on bread and wine,

to sit in your presence, to reflect on betrayals and love.

To see where we’ve fallen short,

and where we’ve grasped your grace.

Humble us to offer our hands to a neighbor,

to wash their feet,

and to have ours washed as well.

May we see the needs and cares of our neighbors,

opening our hearts to feel deeply,

and our arms to open wide.

May our table have no boundaries,

and all be fed and welcomed.


Guide us to the cross,

to sit in the darkness,

to cry out in pain.

Let us not shield our hearts from the brokenness.

Train our eyes to see in the dark.

On that Friday, that we call good,

help us to see the love laid out for the world,

on the cross, never to be surpassed.


Guide us to wait.

To cry and wail and wonder.

To question what happened.

To seek solace in the company of others.

To keep watch for any signs of hope.


Guide us, Lord, for we know

darkness is giving way to the light.

Forever and always.



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website: http://kimberlyknowlezeller.com or follow her work on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KimberlyKnowleZeller/  


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