A Prayer for Summer


God of the hummingbirds and butterflies, 

garden veggies and shade trees, 

be with me this summer. 


Open my eyes to the beauty in my front yard – 

a bird bathing

the shades of green leaves

the vibrant flowers. 


Open my eyes to my neighbors – 

the cadence of friends talking

children chasing one another through the grass

hands waving hello. 


Keep my feet firmly planted  – 

reveling in the earth supporting me

reverent of my place in the vast universe

cautious of my footprint on creation. 


Open my hands – 

to strawberry filled fingers reaching for a hug

one more push on the swing

another walk around the park. 

Open my ears – 

to the cries of injustice

the invitation to serve

the voice of God nudging me to serve my neighbors. 


Keep my spirit set on seeking you – 

choosing joy over sadness

intent on singing a song of peace. 


God of the gentle wind and rushing storms, 

trickling creeks and towering mountains, 

quiet my soul. 


Help me to dig deeper

into your Word

your grace

your love. 


With every sunrise and sunset

may my body be a prayer

my life given in love

for the sake of my neighbor

for the sake of the world

in Jesus’ name



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter


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