A Prayer to Begin February

Dear God, 

A new month rises

calls us forward

invites us to step into a new day

welcomes us with a crisp wind and snowfall

touches are spirits and bids us: Come. 


A new month rises

and so do our hopes

if not just with a glimmer of light lingering

but with the prospect of a fresh start –

another sunrise

a chance to listen more deeply

to offer forgiveness

to turn the phone off

to return to silence and hear the words: Come. 


A new month rises

with the chance to experience God anew

in stories and songs

in worship and communion

in waking and sleeping

in listening and talking

in loving and being loved

in listening for the words: Come. 


A new month rises 

so keep our hearts attune

to what this month will bring

in newness 

in growth

in joy

in learning

in challenge

in grace

in forgiveness

in silence. 


A new month rises

calls us forward

and holds us steady in God’s abundant love

reaches out in grace

offers the words: Come. 


Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter


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