A September Prayer


We feel it, Lord,  

the crisp winds, the hint of coolness

blowing through the air

welcoming a new month

a chance to start fresh

we see the beginning of color – 

red, orange, yellow

beginning to grace our eyes

and remind us of what is to come

vibrant colors falling to the ground

welcoming a time of rest

quiet and darkness

where something will be growing

and building within creation

and in our souls. 


As the seasons change

keep us open for your 

spirit at work

in an abundant harvest

a gentle rain

the hum of insects

children’s voices. 


Teach us to notice

the needs of others

the cries of injustice

the stirring of our hearts. 


Walk with us, towards

healing for the sick

rest for the weary

peace for the anxious. 


Hear our prayers, this September day

full of hope and promise

the cusp of change

and growth

the shortening days

reminding us

of your light

that never fades

be with your world 

walk with us all towards the dawn of a new day. 



Kimberly Knowle-Zeller is an ordained ELCA pastor, mother of two, and spouse of an ELCA pastor. She lives with her family in Cole Camp, MO. You can read more at her website, follow her work on Facebook, or sign up for her monthly newsletter

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