A Catholic bishop who got it right

From Northern Kentucky comes the story of Bishop Roger Foys, who has won praise for his compassionate handling of sexual abuse claims filed against his diocese:

For years we’ve heard the emotional stories of men and women sexually abused, in their teens, within the Diocese of Covington. However, family members of those victims have kept quiet about their own pain and suffering – until now.

Victims’ cries weren’t clearly heard until the 2002 installation of Roger Foys as bishop.

He met many of them and helped settle the country’s only class action sex abuse lawsuit.


Bishop Roger Foys, who agreed to the settlement fund, won lofty praise from the couple.

“He was very compassionate and I think he did good,” she said.

Retired E.W. Scripps Company chairman Bill Burleigh, who served as co-special master overseeing victims’ claims, also holds the bishop in high regard.

“He’s a hero who will never get the kind of credit he deserves for what he did and he’s not looking for the credit,” Burleigh said.

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