A fun fact to know and tell

From Jan Nunley at EpiScope:

In the New York Times today their article said there are 110 dioceses and 1/10 asked to not have oversight of Bishop Schori. Is that true? Was it granted?

The Dioceses of Fort Worth, San Joaquin, Pittsburgh, South Carolina, Central Florida, and Springfield requested Alternative Primatial Oversight. Together these dioceses represent 120,454 active baptized members out of a total of 2,369,477, or 5%. However, not every parishioner or congregation in those dioceses agreed with the requests.

The Diocese of Dallas appealed to the Archbishop of Canterbury for a direct primatial relationship with him, and subsequently withdrew that request.

Such “alternative primatial oversight” cannot be granted without the approval of General Convention, which actually holds primatial authority in the Episcopal Church.

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