A life of sacred watchfulness

Daily Reading for September 8 • Nikolai Grundtvig, Bishop and Hymnwriter, 1872 and Søren Kierkegaard, Teacher and Philosopher, 1855

The Lord is in His holy place,

Let all the earth be still;

Be still and know that He is God,

And wait to do His will.

We need a sacred watchfulness,

An earnest deep desire for grace,

Our lives with true content to fill.

So hear and heed His faithful Word,

And trust His promise long,

For they who seek Him life shall find,

And shall in Him be strong;

We need a perfect faith in Him,

With understanding never dim,

To fill our daily lives with song.

This text for the hymn Som Hønen klukker mindelig is by Nikolai F.S. Grundtvig; found at http://nethymnal.org/htm/l/o/r/lordisin.htm.

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