ABC condemns attacks on Muslims

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has condemned attacks on Muslims in the UK and calls for solidarity with minority communities who suffer attacks. The Telegraph has the story:

Speaking at Featherstone High School in Southall, west London, the Most Rev Justin Welby described attacks on mosques in the wake of the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby earlier this year as “evil actions”. …

He added: “I want, as I have already done, to acknowledge the pressure that our Muslim friends and colleagues have faced over the last few weeks. “There have been terrible attacks, I know that the vast majority of those in this country and especially people of faith would join me in condemning utterly any act of violence against anyone because of their faith.

Welby’s complete remarks on diversity and the attacks are here.

And I want to echo the words that we heard about the condemnation of the evil actions, whether they are the murder of Drummer Rigby, or the attacks on mosques, the attacks on minority ethnic groups across the country that there have been in the last few weeks, are inexcusable, unacceptable, and a scandal to a tradition of hospitality in this country of which we should be deeply proud – and which has contributed far more to us than it has taken from us. – See more at: Archbishop of Canterbury

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