ABC responds to Glasspool consecration

Once again, timing reveals Rowan Williams is more interested in appeasement than justice. Labeling it “Archbishop of Canterbury’s Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion” [Word doc] does not mask that fact. The latest from Lambeth Palace. The bottom line, as predicted:

Notes to editors:

Q. Practically, what does this letter mean for Provinces, national or regional churches who have broken any of the moratoria?

A. Representatives of those Provinces, national or regional churches whose decision-making bodies have gone against the agreed moratoria a) will be asked to step down from formal ecumenical dialogues such as those with Orthodox Churches or the Roman Catholic Church, and b) will no longer have any decision-making powers in the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order that handles questions of church doctrine and authority.

The full news release is here.

Letter in PDF format here.

Notes to editors:

The ABC has no authority. Hence the key words, “will be asked.” The U.S. representative can ignore the request for self disinvitation.

In the proposed Anglican Covenant the IASCUFO is charged with adjudication. The Covenant had been billed as not applying retrospectively. The IASCUFO held its first meeting in December of 2009 when it issued a communique explaining its understanding of its wider charge.

Addendum. Mark Harris has highlighted who on the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order might be effected. But who is to say who is in violation? The Church of Nigeria has not dismantled the outposts it created in the U.S. since the moratoria were put in place. But CANA and the CoN say they have severed ties.

Update. ENS has an excellent article on the ABC’s letter.

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