ABC’s visitors to Canada on
“aberrations south of the border”

In a report for the Archbishop of Canterbury by his pastoral visitors to the Anglican Church in a Canada take a the opportunity to issue an opinion about the Episcopal Church. As reported by the Anglican Journal,

Differences between the Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church were underscored, including the area of Christology. “We sensed that in Canada there was a general consensus on the nature of orthodoxy, with fewer extreme views of the kind that have led to some of the aberrations south of the border,” the report said. “Even the bishops who were strongly progressive in the matter of same-sex blessings insisted that they stood firmly within the creedal mainstream.”

The pastoral visitors were Bishop Chad Gandiya of Harare, Zimbabwe, and Bishop Colin Bennetts, the retired bishop of Coventry.

They were invited to attend the four-day meeting of the House of Bishops last November in Niagara, Ont., at the request of Archbishop Williams. Archbishop Williams is seeking ways to heal divisions among member provinces of the Anglican Communion.

Read the Anglican Journal’s article here. In an earlier article Bishop Bennett is interviewed about his bridge-building skills. Lambeth Palace first reported on the larger Pastoral Visitors team last March.

Question of the day: Isn’t it true that in the U.S. even the bishops who were strongly progressive in the matter of same-sex blessings insist that they stand firmly within the creedal mainstream?

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