Advent Calendar 2.0

This is the fourth year that the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (which, we note gratefully, also hosts the Café) has offered its online Advent Calendar. Each day starting tomorrow, a new link becomes available, each featuring a daily meditation, giving opportunity or pieces from the National Cathedral’s crèche exhibit.

This year, however, there’s a new kind of file hiding under the windows: podcasts.

“We designed the calendar four years ago, primarily as a way for office workers to observe the season of Advent,” said Jim Naughton, canon for communications and advancement for the Diocese of Washington. “But we’ve found that teens and families really enjoy it, too.”

Some visitors are drawn by the more whimsical figures from the crèche exhibit, Naughton said, others by the opportunity to use the web to enrich their prayer life.

“Each year we try to offer them a little more,” Naughton said. “The audio features are new this year. I think people are going to love listening to Trinity’s choir, and Lonnie Lacy, the chaplain at Georgia Southern University, was kind enough to let us link into his podcasting project.”

Read Episcopal Life Online’s writeup here.

Bookmark the Advent Calendar here.

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